Our anchor

"WATERTREK acts as a bridge between the scientific community, water sports enthusiasts, and the general public."


Presidency : Pierre P. – Secretariat: Yannick B. – Management: Claude C. – Accounting: Bernadette H – Graphic design: Julien G – Webdesign: Louis C, Simon T. – Resources: Olivier G, Martin D – Audiovisual Production & Creative Ecology: Séverine V – Media: Ludivine L, Melanie R – Editorial: Stéphanie G – Legal: Valentin L – Translation: Isabelle P, Amanda J, Elody G – Edition: Nghia B –Waterchat: Clara P – Post-production: Paul R. – Editing: Bertrand B. - Composition: Michael R. – Experiment: Alain E. – Science: