Published on June 20, 2018

"Cruising the anthropocene" in Cannes

The first representation of the " Cruising in Anthropocene ", the interactive presentation designed by Watertrek to address the questions of plastic pollution and the climatic disorder with children took place in Cannes on June 18th. 2018. 25 children within the School de la Croisette received our co-founder Séverine. 2 Groups focused on 2 missions: the zero-carbon crew and zero-waste crew developed their own solutions to counter the threats.

This first performance was a good opportunity to test and adapt a message suitable for younger kids. New representations are planned from September, 2018.

A huge thanks to teacher Virginie Kvietkauskas, Ladies Vaillant and Brun in the City hall of Cannes and mister Canonne, Education Advisor.

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