Published on September 30, 2016

A Source to Sea SUP Relay along the River Thames

In September 2016, the first stand-up paddle board Source to Sea Relay on the River Thames was held as part of the Totally Thames Festival. The Festival was a celebration of this vital and mighty river and the relay was one of over a hundred events held over the course of a month. The relay had a strong water conversation component and aimed to raise awareness of the epidemic of plastic waste and the significant impact that this has on our waterways and oceans.The relay started at Thameshead - the official source of the River Thames - where a baton of water was collected by French adventurer and Watertrek friend Arnaud Delerive and his wife. It was then relayed down river by different groups travelling by SUP. As the baton changed hands and weaved it's way towards London there was an opportunity for different events to take place along the way, including a mass paddle and marathon, education sessions on water conservation and clean ups. The relay has been a great occasion to get communities involved in protecting the river and join environmental participative science initiatives. Paddlers were eventually asked to make their pledge to the #oneless campaign, sharing a selfie with their favorite refillable bottle.

Legs & events:

  • UPSTREAM THAMES SUP RELAY - from 1st to 17th September 2016.
  • TIDEWAY FEST - 11th September, a day of paddling, test sessions, a clean-up & a mass paddle from Kew to Putney. Fundraising for Watertrek.
  • THAMES PADDLE MARATHON - 17th September
  • NAISH MONOTYPE RACE - 17th September
  • BLUE TALKS - 19th September - a conference dedicated to the Health of the River Thames
  • LONDON BIG CLEAN-UP - 21st September - SUP clean-up downtown London organized with Thames 21
  • BIG BEN RACE - 24th September - International Race from Putney to Big Ben & back
  • THAMES BARRIER PADDLE - 25th September - From Big Ben to Thames Barrier relay

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